I know that when talking to fellow hunters, it is very rare that there is a hunter with the same taste or hunting style. Just show up at your local coffee shop during hunting season. I’d swear manufacturers were paying them for their marketing skills. The best example of this is: I have a very good friend who produced two of the best-selling compound bows. One named Outdoor Life the best seller of the year. That said, he prefers to shoot a long bow. He preached in his seminars the differences between a step and a minimum penetration of an arrow, he prefers the minimum so that the arrow can pierce the vital signs each best crossbow time the animal takes a step. The difference between us is that I prefer my arrow with a large entry and exit hole with the arrow buried 10 “in the ground on the other side. So, being great friends, we have two completely different opinions.
What I can do is give you some logical advice to help you choose the right crossbow. That is to go to your nearest dealer and throw some bolts in the range. Try all the makes and models it has to offer. Trust me, you will fall in love with all of them. I try to point out some of the positives that some crossbows have that will suit your needs. I try to inform you of the needs that you may find that will work well for you when you are hunting. I’ll point out a few that look good, but may be more of a hindrance for you. You have to ask yourself, what are you willing to spend? Some of the crossbows are very expensive while others are less expensive. Whichever you choose, I don’t think there is a faulty crossbow on the market today.
After purchasing the crossbow of your choice, you ask yourself another frequently asked question: “What type of arrow should I use?” Crossbow arrows are commonly called bolts. The bolt used for the crossbow generally depends on the model and make of the crossbow. Another thing to consider is the hit. There are generally two styles; one flat stroke to be used with Horton & Barnett crossbows, while the other is a crescent stroke to be used with Excalibur and ten point crossbows. Another thing to consider is the length of the bolt. They range from 16 “to 22”. The bolts must match the crossbow you buy. Do not take it lightly or you could be seriously injured.
That being said, most crossbows are fast, very smooth shots with extreme precision. With a little practice, you’ll be filling your freezer and stuffing hot dogs. Be sure to check your rule books, as most states do not allow crossbow hunting unless you have some type of disability permit or are over the age of 65. For Wisconsin residents, finger crossbow hunting may be right around the corner.